Student Services Professionals
Pope, Raechele L., et al. Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs: Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion. Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand, 2019.
Saunders, Kevin P., et al. Powerful Learning Communities: A Guide to Developing Student, Faculty, and Professional Learning Communities to Improve Student Success and Organizational Effectiveness. United States, Stylus Publishing, 2013.
Articles & Reports:
Burgstahler, Sheryl, and Elizabeth Moore. "Making Student Services Welcoming and Accessible Through Accommodations and Universal Design." Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability. 21.3 (2009)
Schmitt, M.A, M.H Duggan, M.R Williams, and J.B McMillan. "Front-line Educators: the Impact of Classified Staff Interactions on the Student Experience." Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 39.2 (2015)
Wilmer, Elizabeth. "Student Support Services for the Underprepared Student." Inquiry. 13.1 (2008)